Welcome to the Reading Room – a short round up of interesting reading about anything and everything to do with digital communication.
Email marketers are constantly evaluating trends and technologies that will lend email communications that additional ‘something’ to grab attention. Bearing in mind that customers’ needs and expectations are evolving in line with the dynamic email marketing landscape, there is no time to bask in one’s past successes.
Read on to discover ways to add the X-factor to your 2018 emails, in order to drive engagement in unique and innovative ways…
Tease marketing – all about creating an appealing message
An interesting blog post that explores new engagement methods for email marketing – namely the ‘tease factor’ and ‘recipient intensity’. The author gives a succinct explanation for both, along with a matrix displaying the various outcomes when combining ‘recipient intensity’ with the personal perception of quality and seductiveness (tease factor!) The resulting 4 quadrants are worth including in email marketing strategy discussions.
- Publisher: emailmonday
- Access: Public
- File size: None
Innovation in email - e-Book
This e-book looks into how certain brands are using machine learning and kinetic email to enhance their email marketing efforts and drive better engagement – with a specific focus on “moments that matter”, otherwise referred to as micro-moments. It also includes great examples of these innovative emails.
- Publisher: Epsilon
- Access: Registration required
- File size: PDF (1,0005 KB)
Drive relevancy with the unexpected – Cheat sheet
It’s becoming more and more evident that relevance and value are key to achieving successful engagement with today’s digital savvy consumers. While technology enables brands to communicate with customers more easily and regularly, it is increasingly harder for brands to ‘stand out’ and get noticed, as the online marketplace presents customers with so much choice. So how do you ensure your email messages don’t get swiped into the bin? Read this cheat sheet to discover 5 ways to engage subscribers – achieving a balance between relevance and randomness.
- Publisher: dotmailer
- Access: Registration required
- File size: 624 KB