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How technology is changing customer service

Published on 20 Aug 2018

There’s no doubt that the next 10 years will see dramatic advances in customer communication using technologies such as chatbots and machine learning.

Today’s customers expect to communicate with a business whenever and however they choose, meaning companies must be able to provide information immediately, across channels, 24/7. Read on to discover how technology has, and will continue to, impact and amplify customer services.

How Technology Changed the 5 W’s of Customer Communication

This op-ed looks at the impact of today’s technology on the 5 W’s of marketing – Who, What, When, Where,and Why. Written for those of us who practiced marketing before the World Wide Web and instant communication, it touches on what technology has done to change the fundamentals of marketing – the way we segment customers, target our messages, time our campaigns and build customer loyalty. A quick, easy read.

6 Predictions of the Future of Customer Service Technology

Will the advances in customer service technologies put us humans out of a job? The author of this article doesn’t think so and goes on to provide six predictions as to how technology will change business over the next 10 years. Read on for insights into how video, real-time messaging, AI, bots and blockchain will change the way businesses and customers interact, and how these technologies will complement human capabilities, rather than replace them.

  • Publisher:  Hubspot
  • Access: Public
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Customer service is about people not technology, even when its powered by AI and Chatbots

Just in case we are tempted to see technology as the future holy grail of customer service, this article reminds us that service is about people, and AI and chatbots should be used to enhance, rather than replace, human interaction. The author warns of the pitfalls of putting technology at the center of future strategy and losing sight of what should really be the primary focus – the customer. Read on to discover why “mold” and “squeeze” are undesirable actions when it comes to customer centricity, and how to use tech to provide a more seamless experience for your customers.

Alison Treadaway

Alison Treadaway

Vice President, Marketing, Striata, a Doxim Company

She joined the Striata in 2002, and served as Managing Director of the African region for 13 years. Prior to this, Alison’s experience in Internet-related solutions included marketing and sales positions at Internet Solutions and Dimension Data.

Alison has 24 years of experience in the ICT sector. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Languages, WITS) and a Post-graduate Diploma in Business Administration (WITS Business School).

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