Welcome to the Reading Room – a short round up of interesting reading about anything and everything to do with digital communication.
As our digital world constantly evolves, it is not surprising that the customer communications landscape is also changing at a rapid pace. Certain trends will significantly impact organizations – requiring a change in strategy and execution. Read on for interesting content that explores the current customer communications landscape, the trends and challenges.
Top Trends in Customer Communications for 2017
This article highlights the top trends in customer communications for 2017 based on two reports available for purchase from Forrester and Gartner. For those that have not purchased the reports, the article provides insight into their view of the CCM market.
- Publisher: Document Media
- Access: Public article
- File size: N/A
Seven Requirements For Managing Effective Customer Communications
In this article it is suggested that organizations optimize scheduled and ad-hoc customer communications by incorporating customer communications management software (CCM) into their information infrastructure. A great seven-point checklist is included to help companies choose the right CCM product for their business.
- Publisher: ECM Connection
- Access: Public article
- File size: N/A
Customer Communication Management in the Cloud
An insightful whitepaper by Celent Research, sponsored by Smart Communications that provides the results and analysis of a survey conducted in 2016 concerning customer communication management: its current role, the adoption of cloud models and drivers, expected benefits and vendors’ requirements, and finally recommendations for financial services firms and vendors active in this space.
- Publisher: The Register
- Access: Registration required
- File size: 324.56 KB