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Have you considered the sender details?

Mobile Email Dont Forget The Basics Feature Image

We are often so focused on responsive design and placement of leading content or so busy debating content hierarchy that we forget the basic elements that encourage subscribers to open the email, like the set up the sender details properly.

The ‘from’ and ‘reply’ details are not the most exciting of elements of an email campaign, but considering how much they contribute to engagement, I think the topic deserves a little more airtime.

Device usage patterns highlight the importance of sender details

Device usage data shows a sharp mobile spike in the morning, as Smartphone users begin trailing their emails during their commute or over breakfast before the workday starts.

When scanning and scrolling through their mobile inbox, your subscribers don’t really see the awesome design, instead, they see the ‘from’ name, the ‘from’ address and subject line. It is therefore imperative that you get these elements right before you work on responsive design and the rest of your mobile campaign.

From address, Subject line on open email

What you need to consider when setting up the sender details:

‘From’ name and address

  • Trust and authenticity
      • Using your brand name in the ‘from’ section is a good way to reinforce the brand and inspire trust.
      • It’s also a good idea to use your web domain for your ‘from’ address, because customers are familiar with it and it is more likely that it has been set up for authentication.
        • Recognizable and familiar
          • The ‘from’ name should be familiar to the user who is scrolling quickly through many emails. Including a ‘from’ name that customers recognize can encourage an open.
          • Inserting an individual’s name in the ‘from’ section is not a good idea unless that person is well known to the recipient, such as a broker or private banker.

    Reply Address

Striata Communications

Striata Communications

Striata Digital Customer Communication

The world’s largest financial services, utility, insurance, retail and telecommunications companies achieve unrivalled results by replacing print and mail with Striata’s interactive electronic documents and transactional messages.

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