Welcome to the Reading Room – a short round up of interesting reading about anything and everything to do with digital communication.
It’s the new buzzword – Fintech – and it promises innovative technology solutions for financial services. But are banks really keeping up with the digital tide? Here are a couple articles that provide insight into how the banking sector is (or isn’t) embracing digital channels.
Consumer/retail banking: digital transformation, optimization and digitization
If you want a comprehensive overview of retail banking and the digital transformation of the industry – this is the article to read. It’s aimed at industry outsiders, so it’s not intended to teach bankers anything new.
- Publisher: i-SCOOP
- Access: Public
EY Banking Barometer 2017
EY publishes an annual report called the Banking Barometer. Read sections 1 – 7 if you want to brush up on your economics, but skip to section 8 for insight into fintech and digital. I cannot believe that two thirds of the 120 Swiss bankers surveyed, believe that the core of their business will remain intact and that digitization is first and foremost an additional sales channel. Also – don’t read this report if you’re afraid of bees.
- Publisher: EY
- Access: Public
- Download: 8.1mb
The evolution of Branchless Banking
A report providing insight into the evolution of banking from traditional (face-to-face, branch-based) to increasingly virtual (digital) channels. It highlights the benefits of cost reduction and competitive advantage; as well as the challenges of information security and legislation. A nice easy read.
- Publisher: Deloitte
- Access: Public
- Download: 896 kb
Take a moment to remember when you last went into a bank branch.