Welcome to the Reading Room – a short round up of interesting reading about anything and everything to do with digital communication.
Don’t Expose Yourself: A Guide to Online Privacy
A practical approach to fighting back against unwanted online exposure and how to proactively manage the privacy and security of your personal data. The author recommends that as a digital citizen, you should share less, block unnecessary gathering of data and query what data companies store about you.
- Publisher: Geoffrey A Fowler on Wall Street Journal
- Access: public
- Download size: None
The Schizophrenia of Data Privacy
A thought piece on whether data is the ‘new oil’, and why we should be concerned about our personal data privacy in terms of what information is collected about us, how it is processed and who it is shared with.
- Publisher: Oliver Meili on Linkedin
- Access: public
- Download size: none
More than 70% of Smartphone Apps Track Users, Study Finds
An article on the findings of a research collaboration into how much data is gathered when we download smartphone apps (a lot), and how much of this is transparent to the user (not much). The findings cite the need for greater transparency, more education and strong regulatory frameworks to monitor and control the exploitation of data.
- Publisher: Shirley Siluk on CIO-Today
- Access: public
- Download size: none