In this post in our blog series where we shine the spotlight on our executive staff members, we introduce you to Grant Shortridge, Technical Account Director, UK
Grant says information security is going to have to keep up with the pace of digital migration and his advice on how to behave in the digital world – “If you don’t want your mother to see it, don’t post it.”” Read on to find out more about Grant’s digital journey and how he thinks digital is going to change businesses in the next 5 years…
What’s your backstory (how did you come to be working for Striata)?
I started my career as a consultant working with business intelligence software. I then moved into project management in the digital communication space, working for a large national mobile network operator. One of my customers at the time, put my name forward to Striata in 2005, and the rest – as they say – is history.
How has the business changed since you joined?
As with any successful start-up, I’ve witnessed plenty of growth and plenty of changes. The core business remains, but we have matured as an organization and are now even more professional in all aspects of our work lives.
What has remained constant in the business since you joined?
Top management. It truly has been the one constant during my entire career at Striata. I have a lot of faith in them.
What do you appreciate most about working at Striata?
I really appreciate the level of commitment displayed by our leaders and colleagues. The nurturing culture has always appealed to me.
You work for a digital company, what is it about digital that you are passionate about?
I like the convenience of digital – business and pleasure – anywhere, anytime, on any channel.
How do you think digital is going to change your life personally in the next 5 years?
Digital is just going to keep getting better and make life easier.
But as we enter the age of quantum computing, the ability for cyber criminals to devise smarter ways to defraud people and businesses, means it’s essential that individuals take precautions around sharing their personal information. It’s also vital that corporates adequately protect the information under their care.
How do you think digital is going to change businesses in the next 5 years?
Digital will continue to connect more and more people. Businesses will have access to more and more customers. New revenue streams will be realized as a result. But as the opportunities increase, so will the risk . Information security is going to have to keep up with the pace of digital migration.
What is the most important lesson the next generation need to learn about operating in a digital world?
Everything is FOREVER in an online world. THINK carefully before you put anything online.
If you could give your younger self (before you became digitally active) advice on how to behave in the digital world, what would it be?
If you don’t want your mother to see it, don’t post it.