The primary goal of an eBilling or eDocument project is to turn-off as much paper as possible. Striata Paperless Adoption Services are key services that Striata provides to all its clients. The goal is to drive paperless billing cost savings and efficiencies…
With more than 11 years of experience in the electronic customer communication environment, Striata has successfully implemented effective adoption strategies across many industries, enabling its clients to achieve their paper turn-off goals. Striata’s clients currently achieve 12% to 20% paper suppression per annum, and experience a 30% reduction in Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).
Striata’s registration-free, secure eDocument delivery model, coupled with proven paperless adoption strategies ensures that customers turn off paper, so businesses can benefit from the resultant cost savings.
Evaluate your requirement for Paperless Adoption Services
If the answer is yes to any of the questions below, then your company should consider Striata Paperless Adoption Services:
- Does your company send out in excess of 100,000 documents every month?
- Is your company on track to achieve 50% paperless adoption?
- Are you concerned about the high cost of paper communications?
If you are interested in a ‘no obligation review of what Striata can do for you, then let’s chat…
Improve the customer experience with secure document delivery today
Striata Paperless Adoption Services include:
- Strategy creation
- Process design
- Email address collection training
- Creative & copywriting services & execution
- Introductory email delivery
- Opt-in / opt-out collation / unsubscribe management
- Tracking & reporting
Striata assigns a dedicated Paperless Adoption Specialist to each of its clients for the life of the eDocument project.
Training customer service representatives to gather email addresses at every customer touch point is critical to the success of the campaign. Each email address acquired, drives adoption of paperless documents. Customers are eased into the process, which ultimately reduces the churn back to paper. Multiple options provide customers with choice and flexibility.
Benefits of partnering with Striata
- Customers enjoy a registration-free migration process.
- The adoption rate for existing customers is now in the hands of the company.
- The opt-out rate for this strategy is minimal because customers are not required to be proactive about retrieving their documents. The only change for the customer is in how their documents are delivered to them.
- Paperless adoption is maximized by convenience and ease of use.