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Evaluate to improve

Evaluate to improve

Tracking and reporting is one of the major benefits to be derived from digital communications. Enabling your customer communications to be sent via digital channels comes with the  great insight into how well your communication has performed.

Did the recipient open the email? Did they engage with the content?

Having access to engagement data allows you to tweak future communications to be more relevant and personalized. Personalized messages are proven to achieve higher engagement and therefore a better outcome.

In addition to getting summary and detailed reports by email, you can also monitor your communication status in real-time directly from our platform.

Statistics aside, our digital experts can help you understand what the reports are indicating about your customers’ behavior and advise on how to improve engagement levels.

Use our tracking and activity reports to improve engagement

You can choose the reporting frequency and delivery method best suited to your needs:


You can schedule to receive customer engagement statistics such as delivery, open rate, click tracking and device usage reports by email at a frequency of your choosing.


You can view the build and distribution status of your communication projects in real-time on the platform. Using our customized dashboards, your communications team can have up-to-the-minute campaign information


We provide an audit trail of the status of your campaign at various points in the process, using a combination of platform reporting and notifications customized to your needs. Get text notifications as each milestone is successfully completed, or if preferred, in the event of a task failure.


Track engagement against your specific goals via activity statistics that we will send  to your internal information systems, customer relationship management platform and data warehouse.

Complementary resources:


Striata Reporting Image